Changing to see the change.


I am trying to make things a little less a routine.

Here’s the list of things I am working on.

Smoking lesser.

Reducing the coffee intake.

Not changing my opinion to please someone.

Using kinder words when can’t.

Saying no when I am feeling no is to be told.

Staying positive when negativity is knocking the door hard.

Not being too harsh on my self.

Not letting judgement cloud my desicion or feelings about a person.

Avoid blaming, complaining and judging as much as possible.

See good in the bad and avoid being sad πŸ˜€

It’s an exhaustive list but for now would like to focus in these and would add more if you guys have any suggestions πŸ™‚

48 thoughts on “Changing to see the change.

  1. Adding more isn’t as important as taking baby steps to reach the things you have set before you. I often think I am on a broken escalator when looking at things I need to do. From getting the dishes done to believing in myself. Blessings to you as you bring in a new day to your world.

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    1. Hey Kris I agree with you. It’s just that for me the more I know how much is left to work on the more focused I would get. But I can see where you come from too. One thing at a time and baby steps actually makes more sense and would be more lasting. Thanks you dear for helping me on this one. It truly does make a difference and you are now a part of my path to change. So welcome aboard and hope you too share your achievements someday. Have a wonderful day. Thank you for your kind blessings. I wish you the same πŸ™‚

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    1. Hey Meena, thank you for writing to this πŸ™‚ I’ve truly believed in one thing. Whatever happens happens for good. What I need to learn in my path of happiness, is to have patience, composure and awareness when in difficult situation. Have the calm mind to cut out the notice emotions make when things aren’t going the way I think is the best for me. Understand there is no point in being restless to uncomfortable situations… For the only constant change and the only fact, whatever happens happens for good πŸ™‚

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  2. I curious as to how you see the results going? I too, see a bit more happy from the lesser than ideal moments along with a peace that says it’s okay for me to accept it just was not hide from the whoops that wasn’t supposed to hapens… and thus stride through more confidently as it mustn’t and doesn’t ruin ME just perhaps sting some which leaves open room for comforting hugs which tend to be nice anyways! πŸ˜‰

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    1. I truly agree with you. I have known that to agree with you on it. I hope to find a good reason πŸ™‚ but I have managed to reduce it so far and intend to keep it up πŸ™‚ thanks again for your views on it. It surely added value πŸ™‚ take care

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      1. Thank you Joanne I just managed to learn your name. I can’t express what it means to me. I just hope I am able to make you feel the same way you make me feel all the time. Wish you loads of happiness and 🐧πŸ₯πŸ’πŸ‡πŸ¨πŸ»πŸ–πŸˆπŸ’πŸ• I just didn’t learn your name today so I hope you like the gifts in my interpretation you may like πŸ™‚

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      2. Aww you are so sweet! Thank you for making the effort to do all that! You certainly do bring me (and many others, I’m sure) happiness in your own way. Love the gifts!! πŸ’—πŸ˜˜

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      3. πŸ™‚ I am glad you loved them πŸ™‚ I read about you liking soft toys so felt I could send you some. I am unsure if I bring happiness to people but I sure would love to 😦 and of late I m not in the best form so lot of confused emotions. Ok know it will b ok just that sometimes it hurts too much . It gets too lonely and it appears there’s no one to talk to as the only one I would like to talk to isn’t the one I felt was so any way I am sorry for these words and posts so dark n saddening I hope to cope soon.

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      4. It’s okay to be confused and not in the best state. No one’s lives are perfect or go in a straight line. No need to apologize. We all have our ups and downs, and I’m glad you share your emotions with us, regardless of how you feel. Sometimes, letting it out is one of the best ways to cope. Hope you feel better soon! ❀️

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      5. πŸ™‚ I am truly blessed to have you all. Somehow it feels like I am talking to you guys in front of me. It’s so nice to have so many comforting me. I just want to take time this time around and not just be strong for once and be the weak one who can cry who can feel and say she needs. For I’ve always felt the need to be strong deal with things alone as that’s how it’s meant to be. Somehow I feel I am less judged here, there is lesser expectation here. I am loved and wanted for who I am and accepted whole heartedly πŸ™‚ thank you once again for being there dear. Take care may you always be happy content and peaceful

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      6. That’s the beauty of blogging. It’s like talking to friends and not worrying about being judged. You know, it takes a lot of strength to show your emotions and to cry. It’s not a sign of weakness. I know what you mean. I’ve always felt like I’ve had to hide my feelings and stay strong, too. But keeping everything bottled up doesn’t feel good either. Keep being you, and don’t worry too much about what others think. Here’s one of my favorite quotes: “Be who you are and say what you feel because those who mind don’t matter and those who matter don’t mind.” – Dr. Seuss

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      7. Hey hi, I understand where you are coming from. I’ve read this quote too. It’s just that people matter to me not their opinions. I was all this while just hoping not to hurt someone or leave a distaste with something that I do. But i can understand the other bit of it too. Some people may never get you no matter what you do. I just like to make efforts to give a pleasing feeling to a person but never please a person. I hope you understand what I mean. I wouldn’t tell someone is looking pretty when they are not I’ll find a way to say it in a better way or compliment something good other than the looks maybe for instance

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      8. I understand what you mean. I wouldn’t tell someone something if it weren’t genuine either. I would do the same and comment on something else. You’re right, some people just won’t see things the same way. But I’m sure over time, your genuine words and personality will attract the right people into your life.

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    1. Lol! Akshita, we should avoid letting external things bug us so easily and so much. Btw it’s just a habit we all have habits some are termed ok by the society and some bad. In my opinion anything too much doesn’t really do well for us. With regard to right or wrong, I’ve learned it’s just a tag created by society norms. But without lecturing further πŸ˜‰ answering you, yes I do but a lot lesser than what I used to before. Btw what I have noticed is habits don’t make us we make habits πŸ™‚ so me smoking hope doesn’t create room for judgement πŸ™‚

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      1. Oh wow himachal I love that place hoping to visit there for a vacation. I’ve been to Delhi only once. Good to know. M from Mumbai. If ever future gets us to either of our towns I would be sure to meet you πŸ™‚

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      2. Weekends are not as much of a good anything right now. Or maybe no night is a good night but this shall too pass. You have a good night dear. Sorry for the most positive not so positive right now. But one thing is for sure every fall makes me rise taller so it’s only time and you’ll see me back to what you praised me to be

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      3. You are always kind to me. Maybe I am being over critical about things. I reckon I still had long way to go. I am yet to find the balance between elation and pain. I hope to be more aware more alert and not let anything or anyone digress me from my real path. But I truly appreciate your support and belief towards me. Much gratitude. Have a wonderful evening dear.

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      4. You know you probably have no clue how much you help me and I will always be thankful to you. It’s a wonderful thing to instill the blurred in one’s life and I must say you succeed in doing it every time you interact with me. Bless you

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