Adios illusion!


Why does this stone oose out salty water, why does it seem to be broken,

Where are these destructive thoughts flowing from why these harsh words spoken.

What was never meant to be tried it’s hardest to be,

Nothing left to hear, speak or see.

It was clear since day one nothing changed since then and now,

How could the stone melt why did it allow.

Illusion has finally taken off the mask to reality,

I wish you happiness and declare you not to be guilty.

12 thoughts on “Adios illusion!

  1. Durga your poem was melting into my feelings, I simply loved the subtle beautiful lines in the picture and the fallen umbrella 🌂 of an illusion that is no more if we know that we r in illusion. So beautifully written poem. 👌👌👌👌👌👌

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      1. 🙂 it means a lot. Especially when someone like you who I know for sure has a busy schedule, making time to comment and that too of the nature you did, you have given me one more reason to be happieeee 🙂

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